Finance & Procurement Divisions
Finance Division:
Financial Management is an integral and important component under NACP IV programme architecture.
Major Roles of the Finance Division are as follows:
- Preparation of Annual Budget of the Society required for implementation of AIDS Control Programme.
- Timely release of Funds to implementing agency.
- Preparation of expenditure statement component-wise, category-wise & activity-wise.
- Timely disbursement of salary to almost 950 employees all over West Bengal.
- Maintaining of accounts on day-to-day basis in CPFMS package.
- Conducting Internal & Statuary Audit of the Society on a regular basis.
Procurement Division:
The Procurement Division procures and arranges for supply of goods and services to different components/units of WBSAP&CS at desired destinations within due time to meet the commitment of running the AIDS Prevention and Control programme smoothly. It plays the crucial role of maintaining Supply-Chain Management of life-saving drugs, blood bags, diagnostic testing kits, etc. supplied by the Department of AIDS Control or purchased locally and maintains demand supply equilibrium throughout the State.
The Procurement Division prepares an Annual Procurement Plan (APP) in consultation with other programme divisions of WBSAP&CS (i.e. STI, Blood Safety, IEC, ICTC, CST, TI, and Surveillance) and functions accordingly throughout the financial year.