PPTCT Line List



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This web-based application named ‘PPTCT line-listing’  will be used for data collection as well as tracking of Positive ANC/PNC cases and their exposed children in each step of PPTCT cascades


Log-in to your account using User ID & Password already provided to you

Change password with prior intimation to SACS

Do not forget to enter mobile numbers of ICTC staff, ART staff, Positive pregnant women and PPTCT ORWs in the requisite field during first entry.


Please go through all the tabs in the website and have a look into the contents under each tab to get an overall idea what is the information you are required to collect

Update all information as soon as positivity detected or any steps of PPTCT program happens

PID No. of the client is the mandatory field which is to be put in all tabs.

Use "Edit" option in the drop-down list of the clients under any tab to update or edit any pre-entered data